learn more about me

I originally come from the horse country of Lower Saxony. Here I started riding at the age of 9 and was supported by our stable owner. He was like a father to me and a teacher of the old cavalry (strict but fair) and later provided me with his horses for tournaments. So I became, among others, district champion of the juniors in show jumping. With him I also learned the handling of foals and the emotional riding of the young horses.
When I emigrated to Spain in 2004, it quickly became clear that I could not live without horses here either. So I worked on my work in our pension by the way for a large, well-known PRE stud. Among other things, I was responsible for the preparation of young stallions and above all for the marketing of offspring / sales horses to other European countries. Here I learned to love the Spanish horses (PREs). And gradually my broodmares moved in with me. Since the special colors have especially impressed me, my mares have correspondingly all special colors. It is said that a good horse has no color. And breeding a good horse in a special color is a challenge. This I have asked myself and I think to date, all my foals have a very good quality. In their rearing, I attach importance to proper housing. So even the newborn foals are always allowed to go out into the pasture / runs and even in winter my horses are not in the box. Also, I pay attention to the right nutritional status. So the foals must be not to fat and not to thin. High-quality food is also important and  the regular inspection by veterinarian and hoof care.

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